Tuesday, 4 February 2025

Coldharbour Lane, Walland

 A visit to Coldharbour Lane on Walland Marsh this morning resulted in three species of raptor making an appearance as I was watching the flock of 48 Bewick's Swan that only includes a single juvenile bird. Initially the Bewick's flock were a little distant but gradually started to fly on to a flooded area within the same field. Those on the flooded area started to call and trumpet which is just one of those incredible natural sounds.

The flock of 48 Bewick's Swans

Bewick's Swans

Bewick's Swans

As I was watching the swans I picked up a male hen harrier quartering a ditch beyond them. Despite taking a number of photos, they were all badly out of focus, with this one the best out of a bad lot. The harrier continued to hunt up and down the various ditches but never got remotely near me despite my efforts of chasing after it in the car and trying to anticipate where it might get closer.

Hen Harrier male

Back at the swans, a kestrel had perched up near to the road and seemed very interested in some sound or movement just below it.

Kestrel female

The flock of Black-headed gulls that were roosting on the flooded field suddenly all got airborne and moved away. On scanning the skies for a possible raptor, I picked up two Peregrine Falcons coming down one of which then just flew round and round in small circles with a Black-headed Gull like they were both having a game! The two Peregrines then landed in the field and remained there.

Peregrine Falcon 

Peregrine Falcon

Peregrine Falcon