On Friday 21st February 2025 a total of 994 Pintail passing east, a record count for the site, were recorded from within the sea watching hide at Dungeness Point.
However, this was soon to be eclipsed by events that unfolded today. There was an incredible movement of Pintail observed from the Point throughout the day, at times comprising flocks of up to 300 birds and concurrent flocks passing at different heights. Some of the flocks were stratospheric and would easily have been missed if the team of Martin C, Jacob S, David W, Richard W, Owen L, Colin T and myself were not outside of the sea watch hide. Early morning, all bar Jacob who was outside, started the watch from inside the sea watch hide having recorded a few small flocks of dabbling ducks going east. Things didn't really start until Jacob who had decided to check the Trapping Area noticed flocks of duck going high east over the power station and the desert which we could not see from the hide. By 11:00 we thought that the passage had started to reduce and all apart from Jacob left for breakfast however, if anything the passage picked up and by 13:00 Jacob had recorded 1,900 Pintail east. By 13:30 the team were back in situ outside of the hide and watched hundreds of additional Pintail passing east.
Quite a few of the flocks we picked up off and over the Sussex coastline and therefore today is a day of two records for Dungeness. One is the Kent record for Pintail in which we recorded a total of 3,705 east in 11 hours and the other is undoubtably the Pintail record for Sussex given the number of flocks we picked up off and over the Sussex coastline, this will remain a slightly smaller but unknown total!
It makes you wonder how many Pintail we missed on the 21st February?