Tuesday 1 October 2024

 Westerly 14 to 25mph, 12C to 14C, mostly dry with some light showers.

At the Tower Pits on the RSPB Reserve a few Pochard were lurking with 10 altogether. Chiffchaff numbers seemed to be down on previous das although numbers were still being noted elsewhere on the peninsula, maybe I hadn't found the right tit flock. I only recorded 12 between the ARC car park and the Pines along with a single Blackcap. Two Ravens flew out of the trees by the Pines Inlet. Heading to the other side of the Reserve, there was a single Yellow Wagtail at Cooks Pool and a single Cattle Egret amongst the cows on Boulderwall Fields. Across the reserve I had c.245 Lapwings as the water levels continue to rise and the number and size of islands reduce. Having said that the island creation at Dengemarsh continues with the digger piling bucket loads of mud and clay to form the islands there. In front of Xmas Dell there were at least 32 Snipe resting on the reed brash.

On the way back to the Visitor Centre I located two Black Terns and a Common Tern on Burrowes from the Makepeace viewpoint plus singles of Ringed Plover and Common Sandpiper. Back at the Visitor Centre I was informed of a juvenile Gannet that had been seen on Walland Marsh. The reporting visitors gave me the location and I found the juvenile Gannet sitting on the bank of Midley Sewer at Horsebones Bridge, a Greenshank was also calling overhead. The bird looked ok and it stretched and flapped its wings but seemed very tired. Owen Leyshon suggested calling Tom Wright the assistant warden at the Obs  which I duly did and Tom came to collect the bird. As I write this the juvenile Gannet is asleep in the ringing hut at the Obs and has refused any food. It seems in good health.

On-going island creation at Dengemarsh 

Hayfield 3 looking good but no birds

Juvenile Gannet on Walland Marsh

Tom successfully collecting the juvenile Gannet

Snipe from Xmas Dell

Juvenile Black Tern

Juvenile Gannet on Walland Marsh