Saturday 5 October 2024

 SE 10 to 21mph, dry, 13C to 15C, 0% cloud cover.

With a run of south-easterlies you'd think we'd have at least one Yellow-browed warbler in the area somewhere but so far none have been found. I have been trying to locate one at ARC and the Pines. Still plenty of Chiffs and a few Blackcaps with 24 and 10 respectively. Meadow Pipits, Swallows and House Martins moving  all day east then south west across the peninsula. There was a Hobby at ARC, along with the Black-necked Grebe, seven Snipe and a couple of Pintail. Plenty of Shoveler with 534 on ARC and 510 on Burrowes, totalling 1,044. A single Shelduck was on Burrowes, the first I have seen in the area for a little while. Little Egret numbers seem to be increasing with at least 16 on Burrowes.

Despite the rising water levels on Burrowes, gulls, mostly Greater Black-backed were making use of the vegetated islands now they have been cut. Amongst the gulls were three 1st winter and two 2nd winter Caspian Gulls and after checking photos a 2w Yellow-legged Gull.

2w Yellow-legged Gull

2w Caspian Gull
Golden Plover

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