Monday 7 October 2024

RSPB Dungeness 

SE 20 to 24mph veering SSW 14 to 26mph by evening, 12C to 16C, light showers by evening, 100% cloud by midday. 

A blustery wind but I was birding the ARC track to the Pines and noticing fewer Chiffchaffs and Blackcaps than previous days. Flurries of Swallows and House Martins were still heading south-west and a Hobby was foraging over the Tower Pits. Colin Turley was also at the Pines and we started to check out the Sallows near the Maple Trees that I now call the Pines Inlet. Chiffchaffs were calling and Colin and I were having a natter when I picked up a Yellow-browed Warbler calling nearby but out of sight. Despite it calling nine times poor Colin couldn't hear it and then it stopped calling. After a few minutes it flew in from the direction it had been calling from and with a loud call disappeared in a Sallow. Luckily Colin managed to see it before it disappeared. It remained mobile and called less and became difficult to see or hear. I think it eventually moved west across the track towards the Tower Pits.

A wander along the Willow Trail picked up more Chiffchaffs and a single Goldcrest. A count of 564 Shoveler and 26 Wigeon from Hanson Hide.

On Burrowes a few gulls were coming and going amongst them two 2nd winter and a 1st winter Caspian Gull. I also had a Kingfisher and a Grey Wagtail on Burrowes plus a further 408 Shoveler, although certainly more were lurking on the lee side of the islands out of the wind and out of view, and 142 Teal.

1w Caspian Gull

4w Caspian Gull

2w Caspian Gull

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