Tuesday 8 October 2024


SW 20 to 28mph, 16C, 60% cloud cover, dry.

A seawatch from the Fishing Boats along with Martin, Richard and Dave Smith who came down from north Kent. Still plenty of hirundines moving out to sea with 5,748 Swallows, 1,014 House Martins and 81 Meadow Pipits, plus a Merlin, nine Balearic Shearwaters and a Sooty Shearwater west. Razorbills were also evident with 109w, 7w 3e Arctic Skuas, two Little Terns, 27 Common and 191 Sarnie Terns. Given the paucity of birds in recent seawatches this was a memorable one especially the sight of hundreds of hirundines heading out in to the Channel.

Not too much on land today given the gusty wind but two Wheatears and eight Stonechats in the Desert.

Arctic Skua

Juvenile Common Tern

Sooty Shearwater

Balearic Shearwater

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