Monday 16 September 2024

Long Pits and Burrowes


Daytime low of 14C, high of 20C. North then north-west wind 10 to 22mph by the evening. Dry and cloudy.

As it was a cloudy start to the day I started at the top of the Long Pits and did a walk that looped around the Bus Ride. A couple of Long-tailed Tit flocks in that area also held good numbers of Chiffchaffs with 55+ recorded, along with two Lesser Whitethroats and four Willow Warblers. A great Spotted Woodpecker was also in the willows.


Willow Warbler

In the afternoon, news on Birdguides was picked up indicating that the adult American Golden Plover was back on Burrowes seen from Dennis's Hide. The bird had been seen at 14:30 and I was in Dennis's by 15:30. The hide was empty and only two Golden Plovers were with the Lapwings on the nearer islands. I spoke to the folks in the Visitor Centre but there was no other information on the bird, so who knows! Maybe it'll return to Burrowes again.

There was an adult Argentatus race of Herring Gull in amongst the Greater Black-backed Gulls roosting on Burrowes, two Dunlin and a Merlin flew through. Two Black Terns also remain on Burrowes.

Herring Gull race Argentatus

Gadwall female and male

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