Friday 27 September 2024

Wind W turning N by midday, low 11C, high 13C, rain showers, low cloud all day. Rain easing by late afternoon. 

After a night of rain showers and recent days of heavy rain showers the water levels on the RSPB Pits has now covered the emerging shingle on ARC and Burrowes pits, leaving little room for roosting gulls.

Only the vegetated islands now visible from Hanson hide, even the Cormorant island can only fit 10 at a squeeze.

The new islands created on New Excavations as viewed from Xmas Dell hide. So far Lapwings are taking advantage of the islands to roost and good numbers of Snipe are foraging on vegetation created by the reed clearance.

Messages indicated that a moderate fall of Chiffchaffs had again occurred in the area so I headed for ARC with a view to check the willows and scrub. Between the car park and the Pines I had 37 Chiffchaffs, singles of Firecrest and Goldcrest and two Blackcaps. Then along the Hanson track a further 29 Chiffs and two more Blackcaps. Overhead a light movement of five Reed Buntings and 10 Meadow Pipits heading west. From Hanson hide, 70 Lapwings, 244 Shoveler a single Pintail, five Snipe a single Black-tailed Godwit, the Glossy Ibis, a Kingfisher and a Black-necked Grebe. A mixed foraging flock c.200 hirundines over the pit.

On Burrowes the number of Teal has increased since Monday's WeBS count to 98 with 237 Lapwing on Burrowes and Xmas Dell. Numbers of hirundines were building on Burrowes with c.500 birds, mostly House Martins and the odd Swallow and Sand Martin. I did an hours count (12:45-13:45) from Xmas Dell with 1,053 House Martins, eight Swallows and 11 Meadow Pipits west.


Lapwings roosting on New Excavations Islands

Black-necked Grebe


1 comment:

  1. Hopefully the Gulls will like the islands John.
