Wednesday 11 September 2024


Daytime, dry, sunny, 21-25mph NW, 15°C. Thunderstorm and heavy rain showers in the evening.

Burrowes Pit viewed from Firth Lookout

Thunderstorm viewed across ARC from Hanson hide

A fall of Chiffchaffs mainly recorded on the Point with reports of loads of Chiffchaffs in private gardens however, Chiffchaffs also in the willows across the RSPB reserve. The Pectoral Sandpiper and the second juvenile White-Winged Black Tern of the autumn along with 12 Black Terns remain on ARC and Burrowes Pit respectively. Two Willow Emerald damselflies were found along the Hanson Track by Dave Brown. A new damselfly species for me in the area and whilst recorded annually at the Point or Long-Pits in low numbers, a species that is scarce on the RSPB Reserve. Four Garganey and the adult Glossy Ibis on ARC and eight Cattle Egrets at Boulderwall. Duck numbers are decreasing after the high counts in July and August.
In the late afternoon a Whinchat and 12 Stonechats at the Affinity Water Works.
The sunny spells brought out some butterflies with Small Copper, Red Admiral and Small White being recorded.

This adult Glossy Ibis appeared on August 21st the previous 2024 record on the peninsula being a single on June 29th.

Juvenile Pectoral Sandpiper on ARC

Willow Emerald Damselfly

Small Copper

Our second juvenile White-winged Black Tern on Burrowes Pit.

One of the 12 Black Terns on Burrowes Pit.

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