Saturday 28 September 2024

 Light NW wind 6-8mph then decreasing 3-6mph in the afternoon. Dry, 40% cloud cover, 5C to 14C.

Today was the Kent Ornithological Society Big Migration Day. This is the KOS having a go at trying to get more people out in the field and enjoying their birdwatching and also contributing in submitting records of the birds they see. As this is the first year it is very much a 'first draft' with the focus very much seeing what worked and what didn't. For me it was a normal day enjoying the birds of the area and wandering around seeing what I could find. 

A cold start with my car's temperature gauge registering 5C. I headed to Scotney double bends to see if the Black-necked Grebe and/or the Slav Grebe were there but I couldn't find either. I did count 127 Egyptian Geese, just loads in the area now. On Scotney sward amongst the Lapwing flocks were five Ruff, 213 Golden Plovers and 18 Curlew. Next stop was ARC and a walk to the Pines revealed 15 Chiffchaffs, two Great-Spotted Woodpeckers and a Jay which headed towards the Point. Our first Redwings of the winter were trapped and ringed at the Obs. A steady movement of Swallows and Sand Martins were heading south then west over the ARC pit and this carried on all day across the reserve. From Hanson hide was the Glossy Ibis a Black-tailed Godwit and a Garganey. One of the Coastguard helicopters came in to land at the airfield but was only at c.300ft and flushed all the birds on the islands as it swung around over the Pit, so duly reported the disturbance to Craig. From the Visitor Centre I picked up a distant Osprey between Burrowes and the Long Pits. It had been seen earlier in several locations around the Point and finally headed NE, presumably out to sea. I had a flock of six Bearded Tits circling overhead and calling, finally they headed north over Burrowes Pit and lost to view. From Xmas Dell hide there were 26 Snipe roosing amongst the reed brash. A pleasant day and good to finally have a dry and sunny day given all the recent rainfall. Very few gulls now roosting on Burrowes due to the shingle islands being covered by water.

Water levels look good on Hayfields 1 and 2 on the Reserve but no birds!

The flock of six Bearded Tits high overhead.

Five of the 26 Snipe from Xmas Dell hide.