Saturday 21 September 2024


Gusty ENE wind with clear skies. A couple of heavy showers midday with cloud forming. Humid and warm 25C.

Early morning 1,000's of hirundines mostly Swallows along with Meadow Pipits moving at the Point but by the time I got there at 9:30 the movement had stalled and I recorded 318 Swallows and 64 Meadow Pipits by 10:00 heading east out to sea then south-west. I had a Grey Wagtail around the Fishing Boats and a single Wigeon and Brent Goose going west offshore plus a Hummingbird Hawk Moth along the shoreline.

I then headed to the RSPB reserve where the Visitor Centre was closed due to staff shortages. A look at Burrowes from Dennis's hide picked up an adult Yellow-legged Gull and a 4th CY Caspian Gull and there were loads of hirundines over Burrowes but it was difficult to discern any migration rather than feeding bird. I wandered to Xmas Dell hide at which point it became clear that hirundines were on the move and I had an impressive movement of 2,529 swallows and 160 House Martins heading east between 11:55 and 12:16. A flock of 21 grounded Meadow Pipits were around Scott Lookout. A count of 406 Lapwings at Xmas Dell and Burrowes.

Next stop was ARC where I joined up with Martin and a wander to the Water Works and a winter plumaged Black-necked Grebe was a good find at the Pines inlet but little else.

After a litter pick at the ARC car park, I called it a day. A flock of 80 Rooks going to roost over Lydd High Street this evening.

Caspian Gull 3rd Winter

Adult Yellow-legged Gull

Black-necked Grebe

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